Contract brief

Other constraints


Depending on the drivers for the project, certain procurement routes might be preferred and therefore referred to in the brief. For example, if the project is particularly cost sensitive then the requirements may be for full design prior to competitive tender; i.e. using 'traditional' procurement methods. If there is a need to deliver the project quickly and if the scope is straightforward then a design and build form may be preferred.

Design and build methods of procurement are often well-suited for more straight-forward or repetitious projects such as industrial buildings. Another scenario might be that a project is particularly complex and would benefit from having a contractor's input from an early stage and in this case a negotiated or 2-stage tender may suit.

Finally, if the client is risk averse, a hybrid model where a design team complete virtually the whole of the design before instruction to the contractor and hence the contractor bears the risk for all of the design.

Other constraints

This will include information not already covered. Each project has its own particular nuances with its own particular issues that the team should be made aware of. Typical examples that need to be considered for new build projects are ground conditions and environmental issues or sustainability. For existing buildings, the list could include building condition, low floor to ceiling heights, existing floor load capacity or available power to the building. Also, if a building or development will have new services supplies then this is worth early consideration – obtaining new supplies from statutory utilities is notoriously difficult.

Team's duties

In addition to the main project brief, each consultant or team member will have their own part to play in delivering the brief. It is important to ensure that all are clear on their roles and responsibilities. As well as the cross reference in the respective consultants' appointment document to the brief, this document will also detail the team members' duties relative to their discipline, or their 'Scope of Services'. The project manager should check that the terms of appointment are sufficient in respect of delivery of the brief and also that there are no gaps between each consultants' Scope of Services.

RICS has developed a suite of appointment forms for building surveyors, principal designers, employer’s agents, project managers, project monitors and quantity surveyors. The suite of documents contains a standard form of consultant's appointment, a short form of consultant's appointment, a set of explanatory notes and services for each of the professional disciplines referred to above. The suite of documents contains a standard form of consultant's appointment, a short form of consultant's appointment, a set of explanatory notes and services for each of the professional disciplines referred to above.