Example structure for a final account

Specialist instruction accounts

It is also vital to consult with other members of the design team to ensure that what is being valued is correct and fairly calculated. Accordingly, with such key elements of the account being the mechanical and electrical services the input from the consultant services engineers is essential. While all instructions and variations have to be formally issued by the contract administrator, in reality the services engineer will almost certainly take a lead role in this process and therefore such technical input must be sought when compiling the final account.

Best practice advice will require that throughout the entire contract period the contract administrator/quantity surveyor should work very closely with the services engineer (and any other specialist consultants) so that as the specialist's accounts are compiled throughout the post contract period and any variations are costed and agreed as work progresses.

Architect's instruction account









AI No. 1




a) Take possession of site on May 13th and complete works within 52 weeks




b) Contract value confirmed as £5m




AI No. 2




a)  Omit PS for electrical main

– see provisional sums section




AI No. 3




a) Omit dayworks provisional sums




b) Omit general contingency sum




c) Omit PS for M&E Services and place contract with Messrs Smith and Taylor in the sum of £128,750.00




– See provisional sums section for the adjustment of the above items




AI No. 4




a) Confirmation of structural engineers advice to increase no. of piles from 62 to 70, to suit revised substructure layout -

As agreed quote (schedule 2 quotation) with an extension of 2 weeks being made to the contract completion date now fixed at 54 weeks from 13 May possession date.




AI No. 5




a) Issue of revised/ new drawings as new drawing schedule

– see amended drawings section




AI No. 6




a) Confirmation of services engineers instruction to change conduit from plastic to galvanised steel in kitchens. Extra as measured and valued by professional QS and contractors QS: costs included within services account















Table 4: Architects instructions account

A project of this scale would clearly have more than 6 Architects Instructions (AI) and therefore the preceding AI account is simply illustrative of the likely items covered by AI.

It is again quite clear, however, that within one 'account', there are 'subaccounts' and/or direct referral to other accounts where items are more logically dealt with.

Note that the different ways that variations can be dealt with and these options are detailed and defined within the contract conditions. To support this point, we have shown under AI No. 4 the increased costs of the piling due to the issue of revised engineer's drawings. On this occasion, the contractor was asked to provide an all-inclusive price for the variation in accordance with Clause 5.2.2 of the contract.

On this occasion the accepted Schedule 2 Quote includes for ALL associated costs with which the contract administrator must advise the contractor in writing prior to commencement. In addition, a Schedule 2 quotation must include for any direct loss and or expense incurred as a result of the contract period being extended for example. The formal notification of acceptance by the contract administrator of the Schedule 2 quotation must advise of the new contract completion date.