Further information on environmental monitoring and control

Further reading

Environmental Impact Assessment, RICS guidance note, 2007

Books and articles

Cartwright, K. S. T. G. and Findlay, W. P. K., Decay of timber and its prevention, 1958, HMSO, London

Edited by Jennings, D.H. and Bravery, A. F., Serpula lacrymans, Fundamental biology and control strategies, 1991, Wiley, ISBN 0 47193 005 8

The environmental control of dry rot, Technical advice note 24, Historic Scotland

Edited by Singh, J. and White, N., Environmental preservation of timber in buildings, ISBN 1 90039 000 0

Singh, J., Building Mycology: Management of Health and Decay in Buildings, 1994, E&FN Spon, London

Boddy L. and Rayner, A. D. M., Fungal decomposition of wood - its biology and ecology, John Wiley and Son, ISBN 0 471 10310 1

Watt, D., Building Pathology, Principles and Practice, Blackwell Scientific, ISBN 0 63204 875 1

Edited by Singh, J. and Knight, B., Environmental monitoring of our cultural heritage, 2003, Environmental Building Solutions Ltd, ISBN 0 95465 050 6

Berry, R. W., Remedial treatment of wood rot and insects in buildings, 1994, Building Research Establishment, Watford, UK

Berry, R. W., Bravery, A. F., Carey, J. K. and Cooper D. E., Recognising wood rot and insect damage in buildings, 1992, Building Research Establishment, Watford

Edited by Aneja, K. R. and Singh, J., From Ethnomycology to fungal biotechnology, exploiting fungi from natural resources for novel products, 1999, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers

Edited by Drdacky M., Palfreyman J. W. and Singh, J., Conservation and preservation of timber in buildings, 1994, Aristocrat, Telc, Czech Republic

Edited by Chamola, B.P., Mukerji, K. G. and Singh, J., Mycorrhizal Biology, 2000, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers

Edited by Singh, J. and Walker, B., Allergy Problems in Buildings, 1994, Quay Publishing, Lancaster

Singh J and Barry K 2003 Environmental monitoring of our cultural heritage, edited by Dr Jagjit Singh and Dr Barry Knight, Published by Environmental Building Solutions Ltd, 2003, ISBN 0 95465 050 6

Singh, J., Building Mycology: Management of Health and Decay in Buildings, E. & F.N. Spon, London (1994)

Singh, J., 'Impact of Indoor Air Pollution on Health, Comfort and Productivity of the Occupants', Aerobiologia, Vol 12, 1996, pp. 121-27

Douglas, D. and Singh, J., 'Investigating Dry Rot in Buildings', Building Research Information, Vol 23 No 6, 1995, pp. 345-52

Singh, J. and White, N., 'Timber Decay in Buildings - Research, Remedies and Reform'. In: Proceedings of Reconstruction and Conservation of Historical Wood Symposium, TU Zvolen (1995)

Singh, J., 'The Biology and Ecological Control of Timber Decay Organisms in Historic Buildings'. In: STREMA 93, Structural Repair and Maintenance of Historic Buildings III, Bath, 16-18 June 1993, Computational Mechanics Publications, pp. 311-27

White and Singh, (1995) Himalayan origins of dry rot: comparative ecology in domestic and wild environments in proceedings of environmental preservation of timber in buildings

Singh, J., Structural Failures of Timber in Buildings: Their Causes, Non-Destructive Inspection, Monitoring and Environmental Control in: Drdacky, M. (ed.), Lessons from Structural Failures: Vol 3, Prague (1993), pp. 45-59

Findlay, W.P.K., Fungi, Folklore, Fiction and Fact, The Richmond Publishing Company, Surrey (1982)

Palfreyman, J., White, N. and Singh, J., Timber preservation: The potential use of natural products and processes in: Singh, J. and Aneja, K.R. (eds.), From Ethnomycology to Fungal Biotechnology, Plenum Publishing Company, New York PP 137-145

Singh, J. and White, N.A., Dry Rot and Building Decay: A Greener Approach, Construction Repair, March/April 1995, pp. 28-32

Singh, J., Environmental Monitoring and Control, in Building Conservation Directory, 1996, pp. 118-19

Singh, J., Renovation - A Thoughtful and Multi-Disciplinary Approach, in Construction Repair, May/June 1996, pp. 40-42

Singh, J., 'Stop the Rot', in Health & Safety at Work, August 1995, pp. 4-16

Singh, J., 'Environmental Conservation of Medieval Telc Heritage Castle, Czech Republic', Building Research Information, Vol 22 No 4, 1994, pp. 222-27

Singh, J., 'Buildings and Health: An Overview'. In: Proceedings of Environmental Preservation of Timber in Buildings, edited by Dr Jagjit Singh and Dr Nia White, 1995

Singh, J., 'Biodeterioration of Building Materials'. In: Garg, K.L., Garg, N. and Mukerji, K.G. (eds.), Recent Advances in Biodeterioration and Biodegradation - Volume 1, (1994), pp. 399-427

Lloyd, H. and Singh, J., 'Inspection, Monitoring and Environmental Control of Timber Decay', In: Singh, J. (ed.), Building Mycology: Management of Health and Decay in Buildings, E. & F.N. Spon, London (1994), pp

Hutton, T.C., Lloyd, H. and Singh, J., 'The Environmental Control of Timber Decay', Structural Survey, Vol 10 No 1, 1991, pp. 5-21

Singh, J., 'Non-Destructive Investigation', Building Research & Information, Vol 19 No 1, 1991, p. 20

Singh, J., 'Non-Destructive Inspection of the Building Fabric'. In: Bahns, T. (ed.), Building Pathology '90: Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Building Pathology, Hutton + Rostron, Cambridge (1990), pp. 215-16

Singh, J., 'The Ecology and Environmental Control of Timber Decay in Buildings', Construction Repair, Vol 3 No 3, 1989, pp. 26-30

Singh, J., 'Environmental Control of Timber Decay in Buildings'. In: Bahns, T., Hutton, T., Mayhew, L. and Mills, T. (eds.), Building Pathology '89: Proceedings 1st International Conference on Building Pathology, Hutton + Rostron, Oxford (1989), pp. 108-21

Dobson, J.R. and Singh, J., 'Stopping the Rot: Controlling Timber Decay in Buildings Without Using Pesticides', Pesticides News, No 20, 1993, pp. 6-8

Dobson, J., Power, J., Singh, J. and Watkinson, S.C., 'The Effectiveness of 2-Aminoisobutyric Acid as a Translocatable Fungistatic Agent for the Remedial Treatment of Dry Rot Caused by Serpula lacrymans in Buildings', Int. Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, Vol 31, 1993, 129-41

Singh, J., 'Preventing Decay after the Fire', Fire Prevention, No 244, November 1991, pp. 26-29

Singh, J., 'Investigation and Advice on Refurbishment of Buildings after Fire Damage', Construction Repair, Vol 5 No 5, 1989, pp. 25-28

Singh, J., 'Dry Rot and Other Wood Destroying Fungi: Their Occurrence, Biology, Pathology and Control', Indoor Built Environment (review), Vol 8, 1999, pp. 3-20

Flanningan, B., 1992. Indoor microbiological pollutants - sources, species, characterisation an evaluation. In chemical, microbiological, health and comfort aspects of indoor air quality - State of the art in SBS (eds. Knoppel, H & Wolkoff, P.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 73-98

Gravesen, S, Frisvad, J. C. and Samson, R. A., (1994), Microfungi, Munksaard, Holland

Miller, J. D., 1992. Fungi as contaminants in indoor air. Atmospheric environment, 26: 2163–2172

Morris Greenberg, (1990) Allergy 'in Buildings and health, The Rosehaugh Guide' Ed by Curwell S, March C, and Veneables, R, RIBA, London

Robinson W H: Urban Entomology, Insect and Mite Pests in the Human Environment, Chapman & Hall 1996

Rylander, R. & Goto, H., 1991. First glucan lung toxicity workshop. Report 4/91. Committee on organic dusts, ICOH, Sweden, 20 pp

Sick Building Syndrome, Biological Aerosols and System Control of Indoor Air Quality, published by CIAR, Maryland

Singh J (1993) Biological contaminants in the built environment and their health implications, Building Res. Inform, Vol. 21, No 4, pp. 216–224

Singh J, and Walker, B, (1994b), Allergy Problem in Buildings, Quay Publishing, Lancaster

Singh J, (199c) Indoor Air Quality in Buildings, Office Health & Safety Briefing, Croner

Singh, (1996), Health, comfort and productivity in the indoor environment, Indoor and Built Environment, 51 96 Jan–Feb 1996, pp. 22–34, Karger Publications

Singh J, (1996), Impact of indoor air pollution on health, comfort and productivity of the occupants, Aerobiologia 12 (1996), 121–127

Singh J, Sick Building Syndrome, Facilities Management, Health and Safety, pp. 12–15, November 1999 issue

Singh J, Sick Building Syndrome, Occupational Heath and Hygiene, Health and Safety, pp. 14–16, December 1999 issue

Singh J, Allergic Reactions, Occupational Heath and Hygiene, Health and Safety, pp. 14–16, February 2000 issue

Singh J, 1991(a) Non-destructive investigation, in Building Research Information 1991; 19:20

Lee Tuffnell, Dr Ian Ridley and May Cassar, and Dr Jagjit Singh (2003) Testing and Calibrating a TAS Model of a Historic Building in Singh J and Barry K 2003 Environmental monitoring of our cultural heritage, edited by Dr Jagjit Singh and Dr Barry Knight, Published by Environmental Building Solutions Ltd, 2003, ISBN 0 95465 050 6


British Wood Preserving and Damp Proofing Association, now Property Care Association/Wood Protection Association